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Prema Brothers Antique Store

Warm Welcome!

Prema Brothers Antique StorePrema Brothers Antique Store established in the year of 1910, is an exquisite antiques shop, is the oldest and finest in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Located in Peradeniya Road, Kandy, our arts, crafts and antique shop has a excellent collection of antique furniture, paintings, Sri Lankan handicrafts, wooden masks, Bronze and copper sculptures, coins, curios, leather bags & shoes and ancient collectibles.
We are the oldest antique shop in the Hill Capital - Kandy, with a moderate sized but friendly family operated showroom. Here at Prema Brothers, the inventory is always distinctive. You never know what you may find here. Please feel free to browse through our unique collectibles, then shop on by and see the thousands of others.

Visit Prema Brothers Antique store and see our extensive collection of antiquities and ancient artifacts from all over Sri Lanka, India, Rome, Greek & China and all ages, including Prehistoric, Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age up to last decade.

Estd. in year 1910

Estd. in year 1910


Prema brothers is the oldest and long standing antique shop in the hill country - Kandy, since 1910, and is carrying on by the descendant  from the last king of Sri Lanka until to date as our ancestors have provided various goods to the then kings in Sri Lanka specially in the hill capital.

Now, it's our fourth generation that is continuing with the tradition and carrying on the family legacy.

Our Heritage

queen elizabeth visit 1952


On recognition of the services rendered to the Kandyan kings, our ancestors have been honored by granting the name “Mudunmini” which means the Gemstone on the top of the Crown of the King.
Apart from it, our ancestors served the British Kings & Queens from time to time during their reign, and on recognition of our ancestors services then curator Mr. Willy and Mr. Codringeton an author has issued certificate to this fact, which is still available.

Track Record

Our History


As we have a long history in the traditional goods, many a tourists visit us daily, and our trade name Prema Brothers has become a reputed name worldwide.
Our firm is situated by the side of the main road from Kandy to Colombo passing Royal Botanical Garden - Peradeniya.
Many a presidents, prime ministers, ministers and others distinguished visitors have visited us during the past including foreign Dignitaries.

Contact Us

contact usPrema Brothers Antique Store
No 757, Peradeniya Road
Kandy, Sri Lanka
+94 812 232695 +94 777 806155
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